:Google Presentation

Материал из Н.Ф. Федоров
Версия от 04:43, 5 июня 2014; Petrov (обсуждение | вклад)

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This widget allows you to add Google Presentations to your wiki page.It was originally created by Sergey Chernyshev for Semantic Communities LLC.To insert this widget, use the following code: {{#widget:Google Presentation|docid=dcn37mcz_22cmnwnwf8}}


  • docid - docid parameter in document URL* size - (optional) allows you to change the size of presentation from small (410x342) to medium (555x451) or large (700x599)Шаблон:Copy to your site

Related widgets

Sample result

{{#widget:Google Presentation|docid=dcn37mcz_22cmnwnwf8}}